Meet Our Economics Tutors
Hertford has an outstanding team of teachers and educational advisors. Our tutors have graduated from some of the best universities in the world and all possess extensive teaching experience. Visit their individual pages to learn more, or sort by the subject that they teach:
Tutor in Economics and Mathematics
An inveterate teacher and learner, Chi earned his BA in Finance, and then three separate Master's degrees (Economics, Accountancy, and Business Administration), at New Mexico State University in the United States. He taught at NMSU for several years before returning to Hong Kong, where he is now Hertford's principal tutor in Economics.
Tutor in Economics and Business
A qualified accountant, Jerry holds a degree in Business Administration from Baptist University, and completed his MA at Birmingham City University in the UK. He has over 10 years of experience teaching Economics and Business in Hong Kong, at both Secondary and Tertiary level. He is also the author of a popular textbook on Accountancy for the DSE.